PT ALRAMA GLOBAL LESTARI is a company based in Sukabumi West-Java, INDONESIA, established since 2010. operating in the agro-industrial business sector. operating plantations and processing coconut and agricultural commodities which includes processing areas and plants, seed gardens and maintenance of mature plants, processing commodiies into raw materials for various industries, marketing the commodities produced and other supporting activities Our Mission Produce high quality products for customers. Forming superior work process capabilities (operational excellence) through continuous improvement and innovation with good corporate governance. Developing an excellent organization and culture as well as competent and prosperous human resources in realizing the potential of every human being. Optimizing asset utilization to provide the best returns. Participate in improving community welfare and preserving the environment for the benefit of future generations.
To become a superior and world-class competitive national agribusiness company and contribute continuously to the nation’s progress
Forming superior work process capabilities (operational excellence) through continuous improvement and innovation with good corporate governance.